Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reality is Reality, Whatever Fox News Says

Steve Taylor at Outside the Beltway:
. . . if we cannot agree on what basic reality is, we cannot govern ourselves. I no longer adhere to the Republican Party because the vast majority of the party’s candidates, commentators, and supporters have abandoned the notion that reality is reality. Specifically:  tax cuts do not, in fact, always create GDP growth (we have empirical evidence that clearly demonstrates this fact—see the Bush tax cuts), American power cannot always shape the international system to US preferences (see:  Iraq and Afghanistan), there is climate change (see all the data), and so forth. I will note:  there are real debates to be had about how to deal with these, and other, issues, but we all have to at agree on the fact that a debate needs to take place.  We can debate what to do about the climate and what the the appropriate level of taxes should be, but simply denying that there is climate change is not a policy. Asserting that tax cuts will lead to growth has no basis in reality.

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